My Latest Social-Media Venture ← my instagram account
While I had registered with Instagram for nearly 10 months now (admittingly I am pretty late to the game), I hadn't been using it as a serious social-media platform until recently.
I had been using it as a simple photo-editing software application on my phone (although I will say that the photo-editing features on the app are really limited).
For most of the time, I had been using it to edit photos of my beer-tasting efforts because the photos of the beer I took actually turn out alright in instagram.
From then on, I would upload the photo straight onto my facebook account where I would share it with my friends.
However, I have recently started to take instagram more seriously, not as an app to edit photos, but as an app to share photos with strangers (and a couple of friends).
But one thing I have noticed is that it is hard to get an audience on instagram.
On average, I get around 2 likes per photo I upload, and so far I have managed to attract around 35 followers.
I guess I should do some research as to what is the best way to reach an audience on this medium.
But I think in the mean time, I should be asking myself, 'what do I have to offer the World?'
I mean, people want to be entertained, and regularly, and so I understand that in most forms of social-media you need to entertain, and keep entertaining people.
So I wonder if my photos are 'entertaining'...?
I have noticed that the most popular accounts are those by professional photographers, professional artist, celebrities, models, fashion labels or popular brands, and re-posters of professional photographs who have edited the picture slightly (usually through a generic phone-app).
But there are a few accounts that I have been impressed by, and I thought I would like to share them here in my blog.
First is 'mustafaseven'
This is a great account by a professional photographer who specialises in black and white photographs that show great character of the subjects. I get the feeling that each photo is carefully selected and tells a certain story. They are always interesting and gives me the feeling that I am getting an insight into a World that I am not privy to, almost like I am travelling from the safety of my room.
Second is 'glamfather'
I like glamfather because the theme of the account is simple. Almost all of the photos are macro shots of a small, cardboard character photographed doing all sorts of activities from the inspirational to the mundane. While the subject is only a toy, one gets the feeling that they are following a story.
Third is 'mjlindo'
Mjlindo is an amazing artist who paints on planks of wood. I wish I could paint like this and I am always looking forward to seeing her work in progress and her latest projects.
Fourth is 'cbmc2012'
This is another account by an artist. This time the artist uses pencils to sketch portraits of celebrities. Again, I find it entertaining to look at the pictures and get ideas about techniques and possible ideas for future sketches.
Anyway, this is my instagram account.
Despite the challenges of building up an audience, I will keep trying to make the most of instagram and gradually learn about the processes of managing social-media and hopefully find a purpose for my ventures.
Until next time, keep in health.
Subscribe to my facebook page.
While I had registered with Instagram for nearly 10 months now (admittingly I am pretty late to the game), I hadn't been using it as a serious social-media platform until recently. instagram followers hack